Dropping privs by PAM modules.

Thorsten Kukuk kukuk at suse.de
Mon Dec 11 19:11:08 UTC 2006

On Mon, Dec 11, s_n wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm just wondering about dropping privilages by pam modules, does it 
> make sense to you anyway? How to consider such behaviour, improved 
> security or is it just security by obscurity? Anyway, imagine badly 
> coded module, which can be circumvented by an attacker and used to 
> launch his own code. Will dropping privs mitigate the possible loses 
> coused by such malicious code? What are you thinking about it?

How do you know that this privs are no longer needed by the other
stacked PAM modules or the application itself?

So no, it does not make any sense.


Thorsten Kukuk         http://www.suse.de/~kukuk/      kukuk at suse.de
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH       Maxfeldstr. 5       D-90409 Nuernberg
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