pam_login_access vs. pam_access

Thorsten Kukuk kukuk at
Wed Feb 1 08:21:00 UTC 2006

On Tue, Jan 31, Mike Becher wrote:

> 1) My patch includes creation of missed manual login.access.5.

Yes, that needs to be removed from I discussed this with
the other main Linux-PAM developers and we agree that we don't wish to
have the compat code in it.

> 2) If we check if inet_ntop, inet_pton and yp_get_default_domain exists 
> then we should provide some alternativ if configure will them not found.

That's something which needs to be fixed in another way. Instead of
yp_get_default_domain domainname() should be used. Meand we would also
get ride of -lnsl. But are there really systems which don't provide
that function?

> 3) Some correctness in access.conf.5.

Are there real content changes? I could only find reformating.
access.conf.5 is now generated from a xml file, I fixed all the bugs
in it yesterday evening, attached is my latest revesion. 
I removed for example this "su" service from it, su sets PAM_TTY, so
a rule with servie "su" will never work. Services, which set PAM_RHOSTS
or PAM_TTY cannot by used with their name.

There where also comments about group membership, but pam_access does not
have code for this.


Thorsten Kukuk      kukuk at
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH       Maxfeldstr. 5       D-90409 Nuernberg
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