mod_auth_pam extended group auth patch

Jesse Guardiani jesse at
Thu May 25 21:08:57 UTC 2006


Please see attached for a patch to mod_auth_pam that
adds extended group auth support to mod_auth_pam.

In other words, this patch allows you to auth by ANY
group a user is a member of, not just their primary

I wrote this patch because I needed extended group
auth functionality to seemlessly integrate my
Subversion server with my W2K PDC using winbind.

My network policy states that any user who is a
member of the "staging" windows group should have
login access to the Subversion server. The user's
primary group is the "Domain Users" group by default,
so I couldn't use the stock mod_auth_pam code as
I needed to auth by an extended group - "staging".

I noticed that Samba didn't have any trouble auth'ing
by extended groups, so I set out to port the Samba
/etc/group auth code to mod_auth_pam. This patch is
the result of that. However, note that I found a bug
in the Samba 3.0.21c code, so it's a little different
than that code. I plan to submit a bug fix to the
samba project shortly if the bug still exists in their
source (I wrote this patch over a month ago, so I'm
not sure about the current state of things).

If you'd like to compare this patch to the samba
code, take a look at the validate_group() function
in source/smbd/password.c

Anyway, this code has been stable for a month on my
production Subversion server and in daily use by 3
programmers, so "it works for me". Unfortunately, it
still has a bit of Samba cruft attached to it, like
safe_string.h and safe_strcpy_fn(). I simply do not
have the time to refactor this code and remove this
samba baggage.

I hope this is useful for someone. Is there a chance
it can make it into the next mod_auth_pam release?

Jesse Guardiani
Programmer/Sys Admin
jesse at
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Name: mod_auth_pam.extended_group_auth_20060525.patch
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