Including pam_faildelay module in PAM distribution

Thorsten Kukuk kukuk at
Thu Nov 9 14:41:03 UTC 2006

On Sun, Oct 22, Bjoern Voigt wrote:

> Why we don't include the module pam_faildelay in the standard PAM 
> distribution? This has some benefits:

I wrote it more or less new using the extended Linux-PAM functions
and wrote some documentation for it. It is now in the Linux-PAM CVS.
>    * users can find it easier since it's in their distribution
>    * Linux distributors can configure the applications with fail delay
>      be default
>    * the module will be maintained

Hm, adding it to Linux-PAM CVS does not mean that it will be maintained.
If nobody maintians it, it could be that it will be, at some point, 
be removed again.


Thorsten Kukuk      kukuk at
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH       Maxfeldstr. 5       D-90409 Nuernberg
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