mod_auth_pam maintenance

Ingo Lütkebohle iluetkeb at
Wed Aug 15 07:42:17 UTC 2007

Hi Nik,

2007/8/12, Dominik George <natureshadow at>:
> I am quite interested in becoming maintainer of the discontinued Apache
> mod_auth_pam. There isn't really much I could do about the code, but it
> would be great to manage it and see that something is done about it.

The customary way of becoming maintainer is by working on the code.
For example, you mentioned new versions of Apache -- it would be
interesting to integrate mod_auth_pam with the new modularized
authentication layer, e.g. by creating an authz module.


Dipl.-Inform. Ingo Lütkebohle
Faculty of Technology
Bielefeld University

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