A problem using pam library in C

Steve Langasek vorlon at debian.org
Fri Aug 3 22:40:41 UTC 2007

On Fri, Aug 03, 2007 at 05:45:51PM -0400, Chu Qiu wrote:
> I'm studying on pam library , and I run the code given by "The Linux-PAM
> Application Developer's Guide" on redhat linux.

> "retval = pam_authenticate(pamh, 0);" is running successfully

> but the next "retval = pam_acct_mgmt(pamh, 0);" return

> I don't know what problem is it? Please do me a favour.

Are you running your program as root?

> # check authorization
> auth required pam_unix.so
> account required pam_unix.so

The pam_unix module's accounting component requires being able to access
/etc/shadow to retrieve this information.  In recent versions of pam_unix,
a helper binary can be used to retrieve this information on behalf of a
non-root application; but you may not have a new enough pam_unix or you may
have a configuration problem elsewhere.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
vorlon at debian.org                                   http://www.debian.org/

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