Apache PAM Auth module

Kenneth Geisshirt kenneth at geisshirt.dk
Wed Apr 2 07:30:42 UTC 2008

Quoting Heiko Hund <heiko at ist.eigentlich.net>:

> Hi,
> On Monday 31 March 2008 20:42:05 Kenneth Geisshirt wrote:
>> The reason for my interest is that I (and a group of friends) have a
>> subversion repositories with HTTP access. It seems like a good idea to
>> use PAM as part of the .htaccess file.
> have you considered using mod_auth(nz)_external or mod_auth(n)_sasl for this
> task? The main concern I had using mod_auth_pam in httpd was that it does not
> work with shadow passwords unless you grant httpd access to /etc/shadow. I
> think that's a bad idea.

You have a point in respect to the shadow issue. Typically, I only add  
the apache user
to the shadow group and the httpd process does not run under this  
group. Moreover, for
an internal web server/subversion repository this might not be so big  
a problem.

But I'll take a look at mod_auth(nz)_* modules - it seems to be worth it.


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