Apache PAM Auth module

Kenneth Geisshirt kenneth at geisshirt.dk
Mon Mar 31 18:42:05 UTC 2008

Hi all,

As far as I can see, the Apache PAM Auth module does not have a
maintainer. I have a plan to take over as maintainer. Before doing so, I
would like to ask the Linux PAM list if any of you see yourself as
maintainer (I don't want to do a hostile take over).

The reason for my interest is that I (and a group of friends) have a
subversion repositories with HTTP access. It seems like a good idea to
use PAM as part of the .htaccess file.


Kenneth Geisshirt, M.Sc., Ph.D.  ·  http://kenneth.geisshirt.dk
Majbøl Allé 18  ·  2770 Kastrup  ·  Denmark  ·  +45 60 62 71 82

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