Pam-list Digest, Vol 56, Issue 1

Andreas Schindler schindler at
Fri Oct 3 10:59:01 UTC 2008


I've been quite deeply involved in the Tacacs+ development about a year ago.
My works targeted to replace Cisco's tacacs server (which is still 
claimed 'alpha')
with a completely rewritten daemon under GPL license. Unfortunately the work
was suspended due to chancges in my daily duties

To your problem with pam_tacplus: I'm still using this module 
successfully under
Debian 'Lenny', so i suspect the Red-Hat pam environment to cause the 
I suggest you try and exclude bugs in the tacplus library by using the 
'tacc' utility
to launch a test:

tacc -T -u username -p password -k secret -s server

On success, you pinned the problem to the pam environment, but the above 
'tac_author_read: inconsistent author reply body, incorrect key?'

suspects a tacacs configuration error, especially an incorrect key 
(secret), which is
CaSe- sensitve!

If you're still stuck, please give me a mail to the address below


Dr.-Ing. Andreas Schindler

PDV Systeme AZ1 GmbH
Frankfurter Str. 141
63303 Dreieich

Telefon 06103-57187-21
Telefax 06103-373245

schindler at

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