Linux locked accounts and PAM

Tomas Mraz tmraz at
Wed Oct 8 12:11:04 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2008-10-08 at 15:52 +0400, Solar Designer wrote:
> Tomas and all,
> On Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 09:12:23AM +0200, Tomas Mraz wrote:
> > I think we should do the same as sshd on Linux without PAM enabled - it
> > will reject just the accounts with password hash that starts with the
> > '!'. We would not reject the accounts with '*' in the password hash in
> > the shadow entry.
> While the above will simplify locking accounts (no need to check for
> authorized_keys* files) and/or result in better security (some
> meant-to-be-locked accounts will actually become locked in terms of SSH
> access and maybe more), it is problematic in several ways:
> 1. There are plenty of systems and accounts that _intentionally_ have
> their password fields locked (the string starts with "!"), but SSH keys
> set up.  I am using plenty of such accounts myself.
> Usually, new accounts will get "!!" for the password hash by default -
> in many cases, an admin (or a script) will install SSH key(s) on those
> accounts instead of setting a password.  In some other cases, an account
> will be "upgraded" from password to SSH public key authentication - if
> such an "upgrade" is performed by an admin, it is essential to lock the
> password.
> 2. Allowing access for accounts with "*" in the password hash field,
> while disallowing it for those with "!" as the first character, might be
> wrong.
> It will limit the extent of this new security measure to newly created
> and locked accounts, all of which could use SSH keys on purpose.  The
> new security measure will not apply to system-reserved accounts,
> although there's usually no need to permit logins to those.  (Well, in
> some cases it may make sense to "su" to them, and "su" may use the PAM
> "account" stack too...)
> Yes, a similar change that is already in OpenSSH portable has resulted
> in some people using "*" in the password hash field as a workaround (I
> am aware of specific occasions), and I am sure that if Linux-PAM does
> the same, even more people (admins) will be "manually" changing password
> hash fields to "*" (or to start with a "*") to allow access with SSH
> public key authentication.  However, this results in "*" no longer
> representing system-reserved accounts only, which may be unfortunate.
> Also, one has to deal with the password hash string, even if via the
> proper tools, to configure an account like that.  "usermod -L" and
> "passwd -l" are "admin-friendly" approaches; there's no equivalent that
> would be as friendly for "*-locking" (and "*-unlocking") an account.
> 3. Dealing with password authentication and SSH access might not be
> sufficient to ensure that the account has no other "backdoors" on it.
> Other ways to retain / re-gain access to an account include cron jobs,
> at jobs, .forward and .procmailrc files (invoking programs).  Now, crond
> does use PAM on some modern Linux distributions, and on Owl it even
> invokes three PAM stacks - auth, account, and session - but I am not
> sure if the same is true for other distributions with PAM-aware crond -
> some might invoke the "session" stack only, yet I think that this check
> belongs to the "account" stack.  I am not aware of a single distribution
> that would invoke PAM for mail deliveries that involve arbitrary program
> execution, although there's a long-standing to-do item for Owl to fix
> that.  And it would probably make most sense to only invoke the
> "session" stack on mail deliveries (such as to have rlimits set); it is
> not obvious whether locking an account should disallow mail deliveries
> to it or not.
> Overall, checking for locked accounts is a surprisingly difficult
> problem, and I am not aware of a perfect solution to it.  If pam_unix
> (and/or its equivalents such as pam_tcb that we use) is enhanced to
> check the password hash field in the "account" stack in some way, at the
> very least this functionality should be optional - and maybe not enabled
> by default (because that would break existing systems as I explained
> above).

I agree mostly with all you wrote above. The locking would have to be
optional although I am not sure that it should be configurable with so
fine granularity as to provide all these options you write about here.

> Maybe the implementation should be flexible enough to allow for
> specifying just what kinds of password hash strings indicate locked or
> disabled accounts - or, to not have to implement complicated parsing
> (with its associated risks), maybe having several options will do for
> now - e.g., deny_new or deny_passwordless (exactly "!!"), deny_locked
> (starting with "!", but not exactly the string "!!"), and deny_reserved
> (exactly "*").
> Unfortunately, this does not address the problem of not having a
> convenient way to set individual accounts to "non-password
> authentication only", while allowing for use of this new functionality.
> Perhaps an option would need to be added to usermod(8) for that (lock or
> drop password, but don't lock account), then maybe the PAM module would
> need to be further enhanced (if it's a special lock mode rather than
> merely replacing the password hash with "!!").
> Alternatively, the meaning of "!" can be changed to "password locked"
> rather than "account locked" (in fact, this will mostly bring the
> documentation in sync with today's reality, with no code changes other
> than to OpenSSH portable), and a new flag introduced to indicate
> "account locked".  A new option would need to be added to usermod(8).
> "usermod -L" could then be documented to "lock password" or it could be
> made to apply to the new flag ("lock account"), with the new option
> becoming the "lock password" one.
> Unfortunately, all of these approaches have their pros and cons.  There
> is no single "right one".

Note that there is already one method of locking account in regards to
pam_unix's pam_acct_mgmt() call and that is simple:
'chage -E 0 <account>' for locking and 'chage -E -1 <account>' for
So perhaps just some documentation changes in usermod man page would be
Tomas Mraz
No matter how far down the wrong road you've gone, turn back.
                                              Turkish proverb

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