pam_succeed_if's pam_sm_setcred

Ian Ward Comfort icomfort at
Thu Mar 5 18:18:30 UTC 2009

As of Linux-PAM 1.0.4, the pam_sm_setcred function of the  
pam_succeed_if module always returns PAM_IGNORE:

     PAM_EXTERN int
     pam_sm_setcred(pam_handle_t *pamh UNUSED, int flags UNUSED,
                    int argc UNUSED, const char **argv UNUSED)
             return PAM_IGNORE;

Is there any design reason not to give this function the same  
succeed_if behavior that the other pam_sm_* functions have?  I ask  
because I have a real-world scenario in which I'd like to use  
pam_succeed_if to skip setcred for some modules under certain  

Ian Ward Comfort <icomfort at>
System Administrator, Student Computing, Stanford University

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