httpd authentication

Yan Seiner yan at
Wed Dec 29 12:48:13 UTC 2010

Jason Clifford wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 8:59 PM, Yan Seiner <yan at 
> <mailto:yan at>> wrote:
>     In that I can't find any distro that includes it; it was dropped from
>     Debian in 2009 due to being unmaintained.
> That does not mean it is out of date or doesn't work.

It hasn't been maintained since around 2007.  I'll try to build it but I 
don't have much hope from reading the bug reports for debian and ubuntu.

> Even a cursory googling for mod_auth_pam returns an article suggesting 
> mod_auth_external to replace it in all apache versions.
>     > Which httpd do you want to authenticate against?
>     I'm authenticating against a service-subscription website.  They
>     use http
>     authentication.  As long as a user is paid up, they can log in.
>      If not,
>     they're redirected to the payment portal.
> None of that is pam specific.
> Also when I asked which httpd I was asking which daemon you are using 
> - ie apache,  lighttpd, etc.
I think the confusion is that mod_auth_pam allows apache or lighttpd to 
authenticate using the pam stack.  I need to go the other way, have pam 
query a web server with a username and password, and get back a yes or 
no, much in the way that cURL can do.

I have 2 pieces of software:

one has a user database which tells me if a user is valid or not; the 
second provides a service

The second needs to query the first via http basic authentication to see 
if a user is valid.  The second uses pam for authentication.

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It is not this day!
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