rename user via PAM module?

Riccardo Murri riccardo.murri at
Tue Jun 14 16:49:03 UTC 2011


Is there a PAM module to remap the username according to some simple
configuration file?  I'm thinking of reading a simple plaintext file:

  string1: string2

and would set PAM_USER to "string2" if it was "string1".  My reading
of the PAM module interface docs are that this case is supported but I
cannot find any module implementing this.

Background: I'd like to use an LDAP directory as auth backend for some
Linux hosts via the PAM LDAP module, but the "uid" attributes in the
LDAP are rather awkward (a single letter + randomly generated
six-digit number) so I would like people to be able to use their
preferred account name for logging in.

I know I can use an arbitrary LDAP attribute for mapping, but I cannot
write to the LDAP database and there is no such field currently. ("sn"
has clashes)

Many thanks in advance for any hint!

Riccardo Murri
Grid Computing Competence Centre,
Organisch-Chemisches Institut, University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zürich (Switzerland)
Tel: +41 44 635 4222
Fax: +41 44 635 6888

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