Linux-PAM 1.1.8: failed to start pam transaction: 26

Christophe Jarry christophe.jarry at
Fri Oct 4 03:02:22 UTC 2013

> As I wrote: PAM needs root access rights, but if you run it
> as normal user, it does not have them.
If I run weston-launch as root, I have the same error although weston-launch is
setuid root. So I changed the owner of linux-pam executables:

    chown root /sbin/{pam*,unix*,mkhomedir_helper}

Because I would like to run weston-launch as non-root, I also did:

    chmod +s /sbin/{pam*,unix*,mkhomedir_helper}

Running weston-launch either as root or non-root still fails with the error
message I already reported.

Did I miss something?


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