Creating / Removing users "on the fly"

Cary FitzHugh cary.fitzhugh at
Fri Feb 6 16:53:21 UTC 2015

Hi --

I've got a situation where I have a very large number of "users", one where
I can't be sure all my user accounts would fit on a single machine.

Additionally - all the users are going to do is set up reverse tunnels.
They can only auth via the authorized_keys as well.  And they don't

I've looked around and a PAM module may be the ticket - hence my joining
the list.

Does anyone have a suggestion / direction for how to go about doing this?

I have found a few PAM modules which let you create users on the fly - but
I don't have a good way to clean them up after the fact.

My current "best guess":
 * PAM module accepts any username and looks it up  in a webservice for
  * Changes the user to a uuid, creates the .authorized-keys file and drops
the keys in there.
  * Somehow - knows when the ssh auth is completed, and removes the

My current "ideal":
  * PAM module accepts any username and looks it up  in a webservice for
  * Puts those keys into a PAM env-var
  * Changes the user to a standard , can't do anything but reverse tunnel
  * somehow.. those authorized-keys :(   gets put into the ssh workflow

Hoping someone had a suggestion.

Or maybe all of this is just a big mis-use of PAM / SSH and I should just
write a server in go or something that checks the keys, opens ports, etc..

Thanks for any thoughts!
Cary FitzHugh
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