[Patternfly] Pattern for form actions

Matt Carrano mcarrano at redhat.com
Thu Apr 10 13:24:33 UTC 2014

Hi Gabriel,

These are good questions that you raise.  Not sure about Scenario 02 either.  In other places I have seen a "Revert" button that I think does the same thing you are proposing for "Clear Changes".  Not Sure what "Delete" is doing in this context.  I'm generally not a big fan of buttons appearing and disappearing or changing names.

Do you have mock-ups that show this?  It would be easier to understand if seeing this in context, I think.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Gabriel Cardoso" <gcardoso at redhat.com>
To: patternfly at redhat.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 5:49:19 PM
Subject: [Patternfly] Pattern for form actions

I’m working on a project that has lots of forms (LiveOak), and I’m thinking about the best way to display the buttons “Cancel”, “Save”, “Delete” and “Clear changes”. 

- Scenario 01: the user is trying to create some artefact, e.g. “Create Application”. 
- Initial state: the buttons “Cancel” and “Save” are displayed. “Cancel” takes to the previous page if clicked. “Save” is disabled, since the required fields where not yet fulfilled. 
- Required fields are edited: “Save” is now enabled. The user stay in the same page after Saving. 

- Scenario 02: the user is editing some artefact, e.g. “Edit Application”. 
- Initial state: the button “Delete” is displayed. 
- After some edition: “Delete” is hidden and replaced by “Clear changes” and “Save”. 
- After saving or clearing changes: “Clear changes” and “Save” are replaced by “Delete” again. 

I’m struggling more with the scenario 02, since buttons appear / disappear depending on the action. However, the interaction feels good in the console. 

Another point is that we are using “clear changes”, which undo the user’s changes and keep him in the same page. The button “Cancel” could work to, but the difference is that “cancel” would take it to the previous page (probably the applications list). 

What do you guys think about this approach? How are you guys dealing with this in your projects? 


Gabriel Cardoso 
User Experience Designer @ Red Hat 

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