[Patternfly] using the rpm

Greg Sheremeta gshereme at redhat.com
Thu Jul 10 10:55:23 UTC 2014

<jpkroehling> hello! I see that there's an rpm available for patternfly, but I'm wondering how one can consume it for a webapp
<jpkroehling> is there an example somewhere?

Fair point. I should document this on the wiki.

Consuming as an rpm means that you're using the compiled assets as-is -- i.e. you're using patternfly as a pristine library.
You won't be able to customize variables via less, for example. You'll instead need to rely on good ol' css cascading
to change patternfly's classes.

But it's basically:

1. install the copr repo [1]
2. yum install patternfly1
3. in your webapp directory, ln -s /usr/share/patternfly1/resources patternfly
4. include resources using the patternfly link, e.g. @import url('patternfly/css/styles.css');

Real example: [2]

[1] https://copr.fedoraproject.org/coprs/patternfly/patternfly1/
[2] https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-engine/blob/master/packaging/branding/ovirt.brand/common.css


Greg Sheremeta
Red Hat, Inc.
Sr. Software Engineer, RHEV
Cell: 919-807-1086
gshereme at redhat.com

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