[Patternfly] What would YOU like to see on the PatternFly Typography Page?

Jenny Haines jhaines at redhat.com
Thu Feb 23 22:22:04 UTC 2017

Hi PatternFlyers-

What additional information would you like to see on PatternFly's
Typography page? What would be useful to you? Our Current Typography Page

Things I have seen included in UI Typography guides elsewhere:

   - "Do's and Don'ts" in regards to how to use type
   - A table that includes the weight, point size, and tracking, and usage
   for each text style
   - Base and minimum font sizes
   - Describing why the particular typeface was chosen, and why it works
   for our applications

Thank you!
*Jenny Haines*
(m) 443-889-2881
jhaines at redhat.com
jennyhaines10 at gmail.com
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