[PatternFly] [patternfly-react] Problem to differentiate among the various ways to close the wizard's last step

Eduardo Kenji Koketu eduardo at versatushpc.com.br
Wed Aug 29 15:34:02 UTC 2018

Good afternoon all,

I've been trying to use the Wizard.Pattern.Stateful and
Wizard.Pattern.Stateless simple implementation from here:


And I've realized that there isn't an obvious way to know if I closed the
setup by clicking at the 'Close' button or outside the wizard or in the 'X'
icon in the wizard's top-right corner.

When trying to get the argument in some sort of 'hide()' function, I've
realized the argument seems to be a boolean. If I close the wizard and it's
not the last step, it will always return false, however if I close the
wizard and it is the last step, it will always return true, no matter how I
choose to close it.

I've forked patternfly-react-demo-app:
The file with the wizard is src/pages/Ipsum.js, and I've modified and
commented 'hide()' function to console log the argument from it in lines 34
and 35.
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