[PatternFly] 🎬 Cue the highlight reel! ✨

Alana Fialkoff afialkof at redhat.com
Fri Oct 9 15:16:51 UTC 2020

Happy Friday, Flyers!

>From a new website to a new release, exciting things are happening all
across PatternFly! Now, we've got the perfect document to keep you up to

*We're thrilled to share our Release Highlights document
GitHub resource for everything you need to know about our new and
forthcoming releases. 🎉 *
New features and new enhancements can be a lot to absorb upfront. This
document walks through our latest changes so that you can learn what they
are, what they do, and how they impact your work.

*Consider this your highlight reel. 📽*
Brief, scannable, digestible. It's a PatternFly crash course that won't
send you spinning. Plus, the document puts our concrete accomplishments on
display, a testament to the goals we tackle together as a community. Yeah.
We've got to admit, that feeling is *pretty *cool.

*You know what they say: great journeys are made with great company.
(That's you.) *🤝
We hope this doc helps you learn about and engage with our latest release.
Thanks for journeying––and flying––along with us!

Have a great weekend,

*Alana Fialkoff*
*UX Writing Intern*
User Experience Design
afial at redhat.com
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