[PatternFly] PF development office hours recording

Nicole Thoen nthoen at redhat.com
Wed Dec 14 19:28:58 UTC 2022


Here is a recording of our most recent office hours
<https://youtu.be/OnNiUwNO3fU>. Some of the topics covered include:

   - Updates:
      - PF Release adoption survey
      - What format of modules do you need for your JS imports? We
      currently distribute ESM, UMD, UMD modules, and CommonJS
      - Update on v5 major release timeline
      - Accessibility scorecard effort
   - Question about Grouped checkbox input with filtering
   - Announcement about right to left language support coming to PF

If you have any issues you’d like to discuss with the PatternFly
development team at our next office hours, please feel free to add them to this
We look forward to seeing you there.


Nicole Thoen

User Experience Developer


nthoen at redhat.com
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