piranha patch to allow colocation of director/realserver

Petr Savich Petr_Savich at associates.ru
Thu Jul 10 20:01:19 UTC 2008

Hey guys,

I want to contribute to piranha project.

I've made a patch for piranha pulse daemon to allow colocation of both
IPVS director and real server on the same box (current design does not
allow doing it). Having only two boxes instead of four is good for
appliance-based HA solutions.

Idea is pretty simple: instead of ifconfig up/down the virtual
interface, just bind the virtual IP to loopback during system startup
and then advertise/deadvertise it by ARP using arptables or new sysctl

If I missed something at this point please fix me ;-)

Patch was done in the response to our primary vendor's new software
product which runs on RHEL4. This is an advanced enterprise security web
gateway and our company is a software distributor, so commercially
speaking new feature will extend both the RHEL and vendor's
opportunities. I see many vendors choose RHEL as an appliance platform
so probably they'd all benefit from that.

I choose piranha for its simple, compact yet effective design comparing
to other bulky and complex projects found at linux-ha.org.

So if I did not miss anything may I expect the interest from the Red Hat
to include my patch (along with man page and GUI fixes) into the
supported package?

The resulting .patch file is about 360 lines.
I did not fix the man/GUI yet, waiting for your response.



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