http and https redirection

Khapare Joshi khapare77 at
Tue Jan 24 19:58:34 UTC 2012

Hello all,

my load balancer seems now working and it does the fail over. I have now
issue with https. I added the VIP in piranha interface both for port 80 and
443 and added REAL server in these VIPs. I then opened port 80 and 443 on
active router (I am not sure if port 443 require to open as client actually
connects to port 80 ). Then I added VIP address on Real server and
configure apache to listen on port 443. I have a virtual section in REAL
server as below:

        ServerName mytest
        DocumentRoot /var/www/html/test
        CustomLog /var/log/test_access_log combined
        AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
        Redirect Permanent /

        DocumentRoot /var/www/html
        AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

I have all the certtificate and required configuration in ssl.conf for 443.
But it does not work and complain that I do not have virtualhost for If i do not add this virtualhost for,
ipvsadm -L do not even list the real server of 443. is my real
server and is my VIP.

How does Piranha handles this ? does the Real server eth0 and eth0:1 has to
be configured on port 443 ? or is there something in configuration I can do
so the lvs listen on port 80 and redirect to one of the Real server then
serve sties with RS VIP interface ? I am getting confused.

All I am trying to now is I have a site obviously users connects with port
80 but I would like to redirect to 443 /https port and I want to do this
with my piranha setup. Any hint would be appreciated.

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