[Pki-devel] [PATCH] 17 Added Null Value Handling for all implementations of IDBAttrMapper: mapObjectToLDAPAttributeSet as part of Forward Null Coverity Fixes for DogTag10

Endi Sukma Dewata edewata at redhat.com
Wed Jun 27 16:15:32 UTC 2012

On 6/26/2012 10:23 AM, Abhishek Koneru wrote:
> Please find attached the patch which handles null object passed to map
> to an LDAP Attribute for review.

1. In DateArrayMapper.java:68 to be consistent let's check the original 
parameter obj instead of dates and move it to the beginning of the method.

2. Formatting issue in KeyRecordMapper.java:62.

3. In LongMapper.LongToDB() the patch checks for null parameter then 
return a null. The original code would have thrown an exception. For 
mapObjectToLDAPAttributeSet() it doesn't matter because the null obj is 
checked earlier, but there are other places that call LongToDB() 
directly and probably expect an exception. I'd suggest we revert this 
particular change.

4. This is not a problem, so you don't have to change it. Just FYI, in 
RequestRecord.java:501 instead of replacing close() with flush() you 
could also move the next statement outside of the try-finally block. 
This way it guarantees that the stream is already closed before you use it.

5. In RequestRecord.java:511 the exception was added inside a commented 

   //if (Debug.ON) {
   throw new EBaseException(...);

Suppose one day the block is uncommented, the exception will be thrown 
only during debugging. I'd suggest we move it after the block.

Endi S. Dewata

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