[Pki-devel] [PATCH 021] Make pki PEP 8 compatible

Endi Sukma Dewata edewata at redhat.com
Thu Aug 13 21:47:24 UTC 2015

On 8/11/2015 2:31 PM, Christian Heimes wrote:
> Large portions of the patch was automatically created with autopep8:
> find base/ -name '*.py' | xargs autopep8 --in-place --ignore E309 \
>      --aggressive
> find base/common/upgrade base/server/upgrade -type f -and \
>      -not -name .gitignore | autopep8 --in-place --ignore E309 --aggressive
> autopep8 --in-place --ignore E309 --aggressive \
>      base/common/sbin/pki-upgrade \
>      base/server/sbin/pkispawn \
>      base/server/sbin/pkidestroy \
>      base/server/sbin/pki-server \
>      base/server/sbin/pki-server-upgrade
> About two dozent violations were fixed manually.
> https://fedorahosted.org/pki/ticket/708
> NOTE: I'm going to add some checks to the PKI core spec file and tox later.

Some comments:

1. In base/common/python/pki/cli.py we probably shouldn't insert a line 
break inside an argument:

   # If module command exists, include it as arguments: <module
   # command> <args>...

2. In base/common/python/pki/crypto.py it probably should have been a 
decorator, but this is a separate issue.

   # abc.abstractmethod
   def get_cert(self, cert_nick):

3. In base/kra/functional/drmclient_deprecated.py this code is probably 
less readable than the original. Is there a better way to format it? 
It's a deprecated code too, maybe we can just ignore/remove it.

   response['cert'] = b64.replace(

4. In base/server/python/pki/server/cli/migrate.py the line break isn't 
very nice:

   if valve.get(
           'className') == 'org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve':

Everything else looks good. It's up to you how you want to address the 
above items. Regardless, it's ACKed.

Endi S. Dewata

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