[Pki-devel] [PATCH] 834 Updated PKI server logging service.

Endi Sukma Dewata edewata at redhat.com
Wed Sep 21 15:37:35 UTC 2016

The PKI server logging service has been modified to utilize Java
Logging API. This will allow PKI code to be refactored into smaller
modules which can run outside the server (e.g. for unit testing).

The common logging.properties file has been updated to define the
debug log handlers for each subsystem. New logging.properties files
have been added for each subsystem to specify the PKI packages to
be logged.

The deployment tool has been modified to create a link to the
default logging.properties instead of creating a copy. The unused
log4j.properties has been removed.

The pki.policy has been modified to allow Tomcat to read the
default logging.properties files in /usr/share/pki and to
generate debug logs in subfolders under <instance>/logs.


Endi S. Dewata
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