[Pki-devel] Integrating JSS into an existing java project

Jon Moroney jonm at rescale.com
Wed Nov 7 23:47:08 UTC 2018

Hey all,

Sorry if this question has been covered, I did a cursory search and came up with nothing.

I’m trying to integrate the signed JSS jar into my build to be used as a JCE provider for fips compliance and am running into issues. Using the java Security class I’m trying to set the JSS provider as the default security provider
Security.insertProviderAt(new JSSProvider() ,1);
This works, however when running my test suite I get about a billion errors which all seem to trace back to errors around the default PRNG provider. Ex.
Could not initialize class javax.crypto.JceSecurityManager
I’ve read that in order to use jss classes directly one needs to initialize the cryptomanager class. Is this necessary if I just want to use jss as a JCE provider? If so, how do I know what arguments to pass into the initialize function?


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