[Pki-users] SSCEP enroll using CA

Marc Sauton msauton at redhat.com
Fri Apr 24 00:17:32 UTC 2009

Fortunato wrote:
> I'm making lots of progress, but there seems to be a lack (or at least its unclear to me still) in the way to configure SCEP enrollment on the CA.
> All the manual references use the RA thru:
>   http://<fqdn>:12888/ee/scep/index.cgi 
> to configure SCEP.
> But in order to get the CA cert and do a SCEP enroll, most examples use:
>   http://<fqdn>:9080/ca/cgi-bin/pkiclient.exe
> Is there something similar to the RA on the CA web gui to create the SCEP requests?
> Lastly, I'm trying to use sscep as follows:
>   # ./sscep getca -c ca.crt -u http://<fqdn>:9080/ca/cgi-bin/pkiclient.exe
>   ...
>   ./sscep: CA certificate written as ca.crt
>   # ./sscep enroll -c ca.crt -k local.key -r local.csr -l cert.crt -u http://<fqdn>:9080/ca/cgi-bin/pkiclient.exe
> But all that is returned is:
>   ./sscep: sending certificate request
>   ./sscep: valid response from server
>   ./sscep: pkistatus: FAILURE
>   ./sscep: reason: Transaction not permitted or supported
> Any helpful logs would be appreciated, but my guess is that I'm overlooking a web gui somewhere off port 9080. Is there something in the CA or RA that could help identify a more specific FAILURE reason?
Try to get a look at your /var/log/rhpki-ca/debug file, and check 
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