[Pki-users] Announcing the release of Dogtag 10.0.7

Matthew Harmsen mharmsen at redhat.com
Tue Apr 1 17:38:48 UTC 2014

The Dogtag team is proud to announce the seventh errata build for
Dogtag 10.0.

Builds are available for Fedora 19.

== Build Versions ==

== Upgrade Notes ==
Simply use yum to update existing packages.

== Highlights since Dogtag 10.0.6 ==
* This errata fixes three bugs found in Dogtag 10.0.6:

   * PKI TRAC Ticket #803 - avc generated for useradd in pkispawn scripts

     Fixed so that useradd does not generate an AVC by closing
     file descriptors prior to invoking useradd.

   * PKI TRAC Ticket #868 - REST API get certs links missing segment

     Fixed links to generate proper URLs (attempted to future-proof this
     to avoid any issues that might be caused by future re-factoring).

   * PKI TRAC Ticket #869 - f19 ipa-server-install fails at step 6/22 of
                            cert sys install - systemctl start
                            pki-tomcatd.target fails

     Fixed problem by adding a 'daemon-reload' method and calling it
     prior to starting the 'pki-tomcatd' target.

== Detailed Changes since Dogtag 10.0.6 ==

alee (2):
#743    Fixed useradd in pkispawn to not generate AVC
#868    REST API get certs links missing segment

#869    Added 'daemon-reload' method

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