[Platformone] Current Unified Platform IaC

STARR, WAYNE E 1st Lt USAF AETC 333 TRS/DIU wayne.starr.1 at us.af.mil
Thu Jan 9 19:55:45 UTC 2020

Good Afternoon,

I was asked by Capt Austen Bryan to get myself familiar with the current UP IATT environment as well as the new LevelUP IaC UP environment that will replace it as I move into my new role here with LevelUP/UP.  I was able to find the IaC ansible configuration that I believe is for the new IaC ansible environment (https://dccscr.dsop.io/levelup-automation/aws-infrastructure) and Keegan was able to get me access to the Gitlab groups, but wanted me to throw this email together so that I could get pointed in the right direction for what is currently in production awaiting IATT (there seem to be many repos out there that may or may not be up to date).


Very Respectfully,

90th Cyber Operations Squadron
(e) wayne.starr.1 at us.af.mil
(c) (970) 366-2530

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