[publican-list] odd publican package error

Ruediger Landmann r.landmann at redhat.com
Thu Aug 5 19:09:53 UTC 2010

  On 08/06/2010 01:30 AM, Douglas Silas wrote:
> Hi,
> Trying to package the latest RHEL5 DG (after bumping the pubsnumber) 
> on brew with this command:
> publican package --brew --lang=es-ES


> The relevant error message there seems to be:
> Invalid format for release. Value (ARRAY(0xd12e2f0)) does not 
> conform to constraint ([^0-9.]) at /usr/bin/publican line 514

I'm note sure whether it's the cause of the error you're seeing, but 
note that the pubsnumber only governs the release number for packages in 
the language in which the XML is authored (in this case, en-US). The 
release number for packages in translated packages is governed by the 
"Project-Id-Version" parameter in the Book_Info.po file for that 
language. For example, if this is release 42 of the Spanish translation 
of the book, set:

"Project-Id-Version: 42\n"

in the es-ES/Book_Info.po file.

I wonder whether you're seeing that error because you have something 
other than numerals or a dot in the "Project-Id-Version" parameter for 
the Spanish version of the DG?

A few weeks ago, I realized this information was missing from the 
Publican User Guide; it's in there for the next release (2.2, out soon).


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