[publican-list] Entities and Translation

Joshua Wulf jwulf at redhat.com
Mon Dec 13 23:41:25 UTC 2010

We're using entities for product names in cases where a doc is shared
between an upstream project and an enterprise product.

I think there was some stricture against using entities for product
names because of translation issues. Is this still an issue, and are
"entities for product names" still frowned upon in polite society /

If they are, couldn't we have something like:

publican update_po --resolve-ents

Where the first step is to resolve all entities, followed by the
generation of po-files from the "exported xml with entities resolved"?

That way we could share a single source file between a product and a
project, and enterprise translations would have the product name
translated appropriately for the target language.

- Josh

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