[publican-list] --lang vs --langs

Mike Hideo mhideo at redhat.com
Thu Jun 10 22:41:07 UTC 2010

On Fri, 2010-06-11 at 08:33 +1000, Jeffrey Fearn wrote:
> Jaromir Hradilek wrote:

> Since they parameters do not actually do the same thing ATM, your patch 
> needs to include:
> A: Changes to the Publican::* modules to handle the option they don't 
> currently support, either lang or langs, they only handle one ATM.
> B: Test cases to prove your changes work.
> C: Update the documentation
> A involves either adding an extra parameter to the functions and making 
> sure one of them is supplied, or modifying bin/publican to convert from 
> between lang and langs as required.
> B involves adding new parameter combinations to publican/t/900.publican.t
> C: Update the POD and maketexts in bin/publican and the User Guide.

Jaromir, good start. Can you add something to the publican wiki about
code submission requirements that include the info above? Might want to
write it up real sweet-like.


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