[publican-list] (Unfavourable) User feedback from Fedora docs site

Misty Stanley-Jones misty at redhat.com
Wed Jun 16 00:30:08 UTC 2010

Looking over the site, here are my thoughts on how to make it more obvious what is going on with the menus. These are different approaches and could probably be combined or used individually.

1. At least if you have a 'Collapse All', it seems to me that you also need an 'Expand All', for consistency.

2. If I expand Fedora, each item underneath it has an arrow to the left, indicating that it's a menu. Why don't the top-level items have the same sort of arrow?

3. In this kind of tree view, it is customary to have a + inside a box, to indicate that something can be expanded. When the item is expanded, the + changes to a -. This is normal, expected behavior with web user interfaces by now.

4. Add some color. Why don't the top-level menu items have a different background or a more bold font? They don't stand out at all.

5. At least something should be expanded by default. There is too much white space in the left-hand column when the page first loads.


----- "Ruediger Landmann" <r.landmann at redhat.com> wrote:

> From: "Ruediger Landmann" <r.landmann at redhat.com>
> To: "Publican discussions" <publican-list at redhat.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 9:57:41 AM GMT +10:00 Brisbane
> Subject: [publican-list] (Unfavourable) User feedback from Fedora docs site
> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-websites/ticket/24
> The problem is that this user (and at least one other user I
> encountered 
> in the #fedora-docs channel a few weeks ago) didn't realise that the 
> "Product" label in the ToC sidebar is a drop-down menu hiding versions
> (and documents) underneath it.
> The suggestion is either to somehow make it more explicit that the 
> "Product" label is a menu, or to be able to set a particular part of
> the 
> menu (in this case, Fedora 13) to default to expanded.
> I think that if it's possible, setting part of the menu to default to
> expanded would be a better user experience. What do others here
> think?
> Cheers
> Rudi
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Misty Stanley-Jones
Content Author, ECS
1/193 North Quay, Brisbane QLD 4000
Ph: +61 7 3514 8105
Mobile: +61 429 595 932
Time Zone: GMT+10

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