[publican-list] Publican 2.0 branch!

Jeff Fearn jfearn at redhat.com
Fri Mar 5 08:15:59 UTC 2010

Hi all, I am finally getting time to open source the last remaining
component of Publican (YAY,!!!111!!!) the back-end that consumes the web

It is quite a bit of work to extract the Red Hat specific content and
make the system work without using RPM. Since there will be large
changes to the code base, mainly extra content but a few changes to the
core code, I have decided to branch the source to allow for a cleaner
source tree ... and patching urgent bugs ;)

I have branched the 1.6 tree to
svn.fedorahosted.org/svn/publican/branches/publican-1.6, trunk will now
be considered to be the 2 beta tree.

Given the current thread on the fedora devel-list about upgrading
practices we probably will not be upgrading to 2.0 on Fedora 11 or 12,
so the 1.6 tree will be used for maintaining these distros, and other
distros that do not want to propagate the 2.0 changes. Note that this is
open for debate, but it is, AIUI, "not the proper thing to do" so please
consider this before starting a debate.

This does not affect the brand packages, so they will continue to use
the trunk.

I wish I could point you to an example of how the system looks, but the
code migration isn't complete and the only active version we have is an
internal staging server for the Red Hat Engineering Content Services
team. This system has over 600 packages installed on it, with a lot of
updates applied every week, so it has been a good test bed.

I hope to be able to change my fedora people site over to this system in
the next week, the non RPM version of course, so keep an eye on
http://jfearn.fedorapeople.org if you are interested. I will post an
update when I get that changed over.

I'm pretty happy to be able to get to this, it has been bugging me for
ages but I keep getting assigned to fight hotter fires.

I will be migrating the system as it currently works, with changes for
not using RPM or hard coded front pages. After that, when people can get
a clearer picture of what it is and how it works, we will be open to
discussions on how to improve it or make it more flexible. It's just a
bit hard to have that discussion before you can see what it does :)

Well it's Friday night here, so I must consume some cider :D

Cheers, Jeff.

Jeff Fearn <jfearn at redhat.com>
Software Engineer
Engineering Operations
Red Hat, Inc
Freedom ... courage ... Commitment ... ACCOUNTABILITY

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