[publican-list] a suggestion for publican user guide, ubuntu installation section

Robert P. J. Day rpjday at crashcourse.ca
Thu May 20 16:56:53 UTC 2010


  while, technically, that section is correct, given that 10.04 (lucid
lynx) is out now, it would seem to make more sense to move that last
sentence to the top -- as in, if you're running 10.04, just

  $ sudo apt-get install publican

and *after* that, get into the miserable details of what happens
otherwise.  since most people will be running the official release, it
will allow them to stop reading after the first sentence. :-)



Robert P. J. Day                               Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

            Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:                                          http://crashcourse.ca
Twitter:                                       http://twitter.com/rpjday

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