[publican-list] Adding a publican epub catalog feed to FBReader

Joshua Wulf jwulf at redhat.com
Tue Nov 8 11:17:48 UTC 2011

FBReader is an ebook reader for linux that is packaged in Fedora 15. You
can use it to remotely browse a website that exposes an opds epub
catalog (such as a publican generated docs website).

Here are the steps to add a publican website epub catalog to FBReader,
using docs.redhat.com as the example:

To add docs.redhat.com to FBReader:

1. yum install fbreader

2. create the file: /usr/share/FBReader/network/docs.redhat.com.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE catalog SYSTEM "catalog.dtd">
<catalog type="opds">
<title>Red Hat Docs OPDS Catalog</title>
<summary>Red Hat Documentation</summary>
<link rel="main"
<authentication type="basic"/>


3. Run FBReader.

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