[publican-list] Publican 2.8 released

Ruediger Landmann r.landmann at redhat.com
Thu Sep 22 23:12:59 UTC 2011

Hi all:

Just a quick note on the very low-key release of Publican 2.8.

Publican 2.7 fixed a bug[1]  that prevented "Draft" watermarks appearing 
on documents built with the "draft" attribute. Unfortunately, the fix 
created a new bug[2]  where the "Draft" watermark was visible on *all* 
PDF versions of documents, whether the "draft" attribute had been set or 
not! Because of the very high impact of the new bug, we've released 
Publican 2.8 to address it.

At the same time, we removed a recent feature that enforced an rpmlint 
check when documents were built in a chroot environment like mock (or a 
build system the uses mock, like Koji or Brew). In practice, this caused 
more problems than it prevented, and based on the feedback we received 
from users, we thought it better to just drop it.

A source tarball and RPM spec file are available on Fedorahosted,[3] and 
Publican 2.8 should be available in the Fedora repos shortly.


[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=727756

[2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=740123

[3] https://fedorahosted.org/releases/p/u/publican/

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