[publican-list] Another foible with Publican 3.2.0

Norman Dunbar Norman at dunbar-it.co.uk
Wed Aug 21 10:30:48 UTC 2013

Morning Jeff,

On 21/08/13 05:03, Jeff Fearn wrote:

> We had a lot of problems with rendering steps and sub-steps. It has
> something to do with the way FOP allocates rendering space to blocks and
> how it'd cant reallocate a parent blocks space when the child node flows
> over a greater space than expected. We never worked out how to fix this.
> If this works with the upstream XSL and is broken in Publican, then it's
> probably something we can fix, but if it's broken with the upstream XSL
> then it's unlikely we can resolve it.

I shall get hold of the latest Docbook xsl and try it out and see what 
happens. I'll get back to you on this one.

>> I have to use fop for pdf rendering as I have indexes in my books etc
>> and the wkhtmltopdf utility renders the page numbers as sections as if
>> it was a normal html page.
> An index or a table of contents? It's standard to use the same page
> numbering for indexes as the rest of the book. WE could probably workout
> how to change the TOC to use Roman numerals. i'd just want to get our
> version online with upstream and that's a bit of effort.

I have a TOC at the start of my books, containing the 
part/chapter/section titles and a page number plus an index (or a number 
of indexes) at the back of the books with indexentry and page numbers.

The TOC renders fine with fop, as does the index. With wkhtmltopdf, 
instead of something like the following:

Normalisation 15,36	Norman Dunbar 10,23-25,34	

OpenSuse 2		Oracle 31,35-37

Wkhtmltopdf replaces all the page numbers above with links to the 
section/page/chapter titles, as per the TOC. There are no actual page 
numbers in a wkhtmltopdf index.

This is understandable, of course, if the document is being built from 
HTML "pages", then the concept fo an A4 page is lost plus, HTML docs use 
<A> tags to create links and these don't tend to have actual page 
numbers, but some form of underlined text (or whatever the CSS to render 
an <A> tag is of course!) so the final pdf looks remarkably like a pdf 
version of a web page, not as a book. :-(


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

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