[publican-list] Brand packaging doesn't respects *.ent

Sascha Manns Sascha.Manns at xcom.de
Fri Feb 6 08:21:26 UTC 2015

Hello List,

inside my de-DE directory of my companys brand i have some xml files 
like Conventions.xml, Feedback, and some other files. Also i have 
included in that directory a entity.ent file with our global entities.
Can it be, that the brand packager only looks for *.xml files in the 
de-DE directory?

Greetings Sascha

Yours sincerly
Sascha Manns
Qualitätsmanagement Banksystem Backend
Rechnungswesen, Meldewesen, Steuern
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56626 Andernach

Telefon  +49 2632 9899-158
Telefax  +49 2632 9899-010
Sascha.Manns at xcom.de

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