[publican-list] Create Brand: Cannot change header colours

Alan Murrell lists at murrell.ca
Sat Jul 18 21:23:44 UTC 2015


I am running Publican 3.2.  I created and installed a new brand.  Prior
to building and installing the new brand, I edited the 'overrides.cfg'
file in the 'css' folder so all the headings, chapter titles, etc. would
be green instead of the default.  I replaced the existing CSS codes of
"#a70000" with "#00cc00".

After I built and installed the brand, I created a test article using
the new brand, but the section headers, title, etc. still come out as
the default colours.

I appear to have missed something, but I am not sure what?

Thanks, in advance, for your help and pointers.


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