[Pulp-dev] Pulp 3: using JWT to request a JWT

Dennis Kliban dkliban at redhat.com
Tue Dec 12 22:01:30 UTC 2017

tl;dr We should support only basic auth for 3.0 and implement JWT
authentication in 3.1+

We currently have 2 stories[0-1] related to JWT authentication that we
wanted to implement for 3.0. As @bmbouter, @daviddavis, and I tried to
groom them earlier today, we decided that we are not ready to commit to
using "djangorestframework-jwt" app for handling JWT authentication. This
app has some behaviors that we want to override and also comes with several
configuration options that we don't want to support long term. I am
proposing that we remove JWT authentication from the MVP and move it to the
3.1+ list. I'd like to

 - close issues 3163 and 3164
 - move JWT auth use cases from the MVP document[2] to the 3.1+
 - add a story for removing "djangorestframework-jwt" from pulp 3.0

[0] https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3163
[1] https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3164
[3] https://pulp.plan.io/projects/pulp/wiki/31+_Ideas_(post_MVP)

On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 3:48 PM, Brian Bouterse <bbouters at redhat.com> wrote:

> +1 to just those use cases. Since we can rollback the change I updated the
> MVP with this change:  https://pulp.plan.io/projects/
> pulp/wiki/Pulp_3_Minimum_Viable_Product/diff?utf8=%E2%
> 9C%93&version=125&version_from=124&commit=View+differences
> I also added an explicit use case saying that basic auth can authenticate
> to all urls. I think that got lost in the language revisions. It's also in
> the diff ^.
> Anyone feel free to suggest other changes or edit and send links with the
> diff.
> On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 2:47 PM, David Davis <daviddavis at redhat.com> wrote:
>> I would just do:
>> As a JWT authenticated user, I can refresh my JWT token if Pulp is
>> configured with JWT_ALLOW_REFRESH set to True (default is False).
>> Having two user stories means two separate items in redmine, and both of
>> these user stories will probably be fixed in one commit/PR.
>> David
>> On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 2:30 PM, Brian Bouterse <bbouters at redhat.com>
>> wrote:
>>> +1 to using JWT_ALLOW_REFRESH as the name, I read the other name from
>>> some other docs. +1 to adding a refresh token endpoint and some docs.
>>> We need to update this area in the MVP which is currently in red. We
>>> could replace the use case in red with:  "As an API user, I can
>>> authenticate any API call with a JWT" and then add the following two use
>>> cases:
>>> As a JWT authenticated user, I can receive a new JWT if Pulp is
>>> configured with JWT_ALLOW_REFRESH=True
>>> As a Pulp administrator, my Pulp system disallows JWT renewal by default
>>> What about these use case changes to the MVP to reflect this convo?
>>> On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 5:46 PM, Jeremy Audet <jaudet at redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> I think @misa's point is that if a valid token becomes compromised, it
>>>>> could be renewed for a long-maybe-forever time.
>>>>> I'm reading a desire to have Pulp exhibit both of these types of
>>>>> behaviors, and both for good reasons. What if we introduce a setting
>>>>> JWT_REFRESH. If enabled, JWT_REFRESH will allow you to receive a new JWT
>>>>> when authenticating with an existing JWT. Defaults to False.
>>>>> I'm picking False as the default on the idea that not renewing tokens
>>>>> would be a more secure system by limiting access in more case than when
>>>>> JWT_REFRESH is True. In the implementation, when JWT_REFRESH is set to True
>>>>> it would fully disable the JWT_REFRESH_EXPIRATION_DELTA setting so that it
>>>>> could be refreshed indefinitly. The user would never know about
>>>> Being secure-by-default, with the option to do useful-but-dangerous
>>>> things, is a great design approach.
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