[Pulp-dev] Cherry pick processor

David Davis daviddavis at redhat.com
Fri Jul 10 17:33:24 UTC 2020

As creator of the cherry pick processor, I'd like to propose we ditch it.
It requires a lot of upkeep which doesn't really save us time over just
doing the cherry picks ourselves. Also, it often fails because it cannot
make intelligent decisions when there are merge conflicts.

Instead what I'd propose is that we do cherry picks at release time. We do
z-releases infrequently and they are usually for a particular stakeholder
so we usually know which issues the stakeholder needs and can cherry pick
these changes ourselves before we do a release. We can also continue using
the "Needs Cherry Pick" labels to help us remember issues we want to
include in a z-release later on.

Overall, I think disabling it is the best path forward but I'm also
interested in any feedback people may have to improve the cherry pick

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