[Pulp-dev] Pulp Installers Team Meeting 2020-09-30

Mike DePaulo mikedep333 at redhat.com
Wed Sep 30 16:55:57 UTC 2020

September 30 Agenda


   Test ansible 2.10 and drop 2.8 -
   - [mikedep333] to review the PR

   CI failing -
   https://github.com/pulp/pulp_installer/runs/1185310416#step:7:2174 -
   already addressed

   The majority of the issues at NEW are from the installer team, and most
   of them have been carried from multiple sprints ago -
   - [dkliban] schedule a meeting for next week to go through the backlog
      of issues - https://pulp.plan.io/projects/pulp/issues?query_id=162
      (this query is only for the installer, container and operator
not included)

   molecule has dropped python2 support since March, and we are using an
   ancient version in our CI that lacks support for collections on many levels.
   - Can we drop python2 support in the installer? (The software we are
      installing doesn’t have it.)
      - https://github.com/ansible-community/molecule/issues/2629
      - https://github.com/ansible-community/molecule/pull/
      - Mike: This is about the control node (management node), not the
      managed node.
      - Mike: Many control nodes will have Ansible installed via Python2.

         If an EL7 control (management) node user just does “sudo yum
         install ansible”, as the Ansible 2.10 install docs say to do
         they’ll have python2 ansible.

         Many orgs have large, 3rd-party, Python 2 stacks. e.g., installed
         under /opt or an NFS share. I’ve seen this in the ML,
experienced this IRL.

         If a Mac user runs pip, they get python2, pip3 is a stub.
         <https://apple.stackexchange.com/a/376081> If a Mac user follows the
         Ansible 1st party install instructions
         they use Python2.

         If an Ubuntu user follows their Ubuntu install instructions
         (install from PPA), they get python2 also. (Tested on 18.04)

         If a Mac / EL7 / Ubuntu 18.04 user follows the Ansible pip install
         they use Python2.
         - All good arguments to bring to the molecule team
               - https://github.com/ansible-community/molecule/issues/2764
            - Mike: Can we just not test Python2 anymore with Molecule?
         - What we don’t test, we don’t support. +1
         - Can we drop to use molecule and test with vagrant only?
            - We can use py3 with molecule and install one vagrant box with
            this is blocked by
         - Can molecule on py3 use ansible on py2?
         - Travis resources will be overwhelmed with running the vagrant
         box tests (approximately 9 out of 17) with every pulp_installer PR.
         - New org only for installers repos?


Mike DePaulo

He / Him / His

Service Reliability Engineer, Pulp

Red Hat <https://www.redhat.com/>

IM: mikedep333

GPG: 51745404
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