[Pulp-list] Client configuration made easier

Jeff Ortel jortel at redhat.com
Tue Feb 8 22:56:37 UTC 2011

After replacing the pulp agent with a gofer (agent) plugin, configuring the client to use 
a remote qpid server became less intuitive.  The intent was for pulp's use of gofer to be 
an implementation detail not exposed to pulp users.  But, ...

Today, in fixing (669484 & 669498), I pushed changes to make client configuration more 
intuitive for pulp users again.  The pulp (gofer) plugin descriptor new references the 
server.host in /etc/pulp/client.conf for the qpid broker url.  This means editing the 
/etc/gofer/agent.conf is no longer necessary.  Further, I symlinked 'pulp-agent' to 
'goferd' in /etc/rc.d/init.d.  This creates pseudo service like 'pulp-server' but for the 
agent.  When configuring a client (consumer) to connect to a remote pulp server the steps 
are as follows:

1) edit /etc/pulp/client.conf and change the server.host
2) service pulp-agent restart


wiki/ug updates to follow.

Hope this helps,


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