[Pulp-list] Runcible: Pulp V2 Ruby API Bindings Alpha

Eric Helms ehelms at redhat.com
Thu Oct 25 15:20:12 UTC 2012

Howdy Pulp folks,

As some of you may know, the Katello project has been working to integrate Pulp V2 within our code base.  As part of this migration, we decided to move the API bindings for Pulp out of our core project and into a stand alone Ruby gem in order to provide the community with a set of Ruby API bindings for Pulp.  At this point, the Katello side has neared completion of our API calls to the newer Pulp APIs and as such feel a good enough time to release an alpha version of our gem Runcible for perusal by others.

Things of note or that may interest Pulp developers (or give insight into how the API is being used, specifically the Extensions mentioned below):

  - Included is a set of integration tests using the rubygem VCR to capture HTTP traffic
    * This means that ALL tests can be and are run against a live Pulp installation
    * The currently tested version is noted at the top of the README

  - There are direct API bindings to Pulp calls

  - There are a set of Extensions to some Pulp objects designed to make common operations easier, for example:
    * Providing functions to create a Repository with an importer and distributor
    * Functions that specifically retrieve objects without native API calls, e.g. RPMs, Errata, Distributions etc. using search syntax
    * Objects to represent configurations for specific importers and distributors (see lib/runcible/extensions/YumImporter or YumDistributor for examples)
  - Every API call is not currently covered, as the focus has been on Katello requirements, however, this is a community project


  Git:      https://github.com/Katello/runcible
  Rubygems: https://rubygems.org/gems/runcible
  RPM:      Can be built, currently not available in any public repository

Eric Helms

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