[Pulp-list] Multiple Threads causes Log File Confusion

ben.stanley at exemail.com.au ben.stanley at exemail.com.au
Thu Apr 30 08:04:19 UTC 2015

I have spent the last few days watching /var/log/pulp.log as I execute
various pulp-admin commands, trying to figure out why the pulp-admin
commands don't seem to do much. I have complained about those problems

Regarding the structure of the log file:

I find reading the logs to be very confusing because of the multi-threaded
nature of pulp. Unfortunately, the messages from multiple threads are all
combined, and when there is an error, pulp often fails to identify what it
was doing or what the error was in relation to, so it is necessary to
scroll back through the log to find the context. However, I have begun to
realise that the URL mentioned previously in the log may be due to a
separate thread from the one causing the error. This leads to endless
confusion. Pulp's error messages need a lot of improvement, particularly
on the pulp-admin front end (where useful information almost doesn't
exist), but *also* in the logs. I see that there is a ticket for some of
this [0], but I think that another ticket is required to improve the error
reporting in the logs as well.

Ben Stanley.

[0] https://pulp.plan.io/issues/353

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