[Pulp-list] New release of Pulp PowerShell module

Richard Grainger grainger at gmail.com
Wed Apr 12 21:37:37 UTC 2017

Hi all

I've just released v2.0.0 of powershell-pulp:


PowerShell Gallery:

If you use Windows some of the time, you might find it useful for
managing your Pulp servers.  The USP of PowerShell is piping objects
between commands and so the module supports this kind of thing:

Get-PulpRpmRepo epel7 | Get-PulpRpm -Name 'wildfly*' | Copy-PulpRpm archive


Get-PulpIsoRepo isos | Add-PulpIso 'C:\ISOs\*.iso'


Get-PulpRepo archive | Set-PulpPermission -Role helpdesk -Grant
-Create -Update -Delete

The module supports both HTTP basic auth and certificate
authentication (in the latter case, the user's Pulp-issued cert is
stored away safely in the Windows certificate store and renewed as
required, which was quite fun to get working properly).

The module also support proper uploading of large files from Windows
to Pulp using the file offset mechanism in the Pulp API.

I'm sure there are bugs, so issue reports and pull requests welcome.


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