[Pulp-list] problem using ansible galaxy Pulp role

Dennis Kliban dkliban at redhat.com
Tue Apr 18 17:24:41 UTC 2017

I would like to use the ansible Pulp role published on ansible galaxy[0].
However, I am having some trouble. I ran the following commands on my
CentOS 7 box:

sudo yum install
sudo yum install ansible
sudo ansible-galaxy install jtyr.pulp
sudo ansible-galaxy install jtyr.mongodb

I modified the first example from ansiblegalaxy.com to create
deploy_pulp.yml playbook. I prepended each role with jtyr. so ansible could
recognize the installed role.

# Example of a single host installation
- hosts: all
    - role: jtyr.mongodb
      mongodb_net_wireObjectCheck: false
      mongodb_net_unixDomainSocket_enabled: true
      mongodb_processManagement_fork: true
      mongodb_systemLog_logAppend: true
      mongodb_systemLog_timeStampFormat: iso8601-utc
    - role: jtyr.pulp
      pulp_install_qpid: true
      pulp_install_server: true
      pulp_install_admin: true
      pulp_install_consumer: true
      pulp_run_celerybeat: true
      pulp_run_resource_manager: true

Here is the output I get when I try to run the playbook.

[centos at pulp-cdn-mirror ~]$ sudo ansible-playbook -i i.txt deploy_pulp.yml
ERROR! the role 'config_encoder_filters' was not found in

The error appears to have been in
'/etc/ansible/roles/jtyr.mongodb/meta/main.yml': line 16, column 5, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

The offending line appears to be:

  - config_encoder_filters
    ^ here

I then ran:

sudo ansible-galaxy install jtyr.config_encoder_filters

I am still getting an error. How can I install the roles in such a way that
ansible recognizes them without the jtyr. prefix?

[0] https://galaxy.ansible.com/jtyr/pulp/

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