[Pulp-list] Dump and import repo configs

Pier, Bryce Bryce.Pier at Capella.edu
Thu Feb 16 16:26:45 UTC 2017

Hello All,
I’ve been using pulp for several years and am now in the process of building a new data center. So I’ve decided this is a good time to move to RHEL7 and Pulp 2.12. Is there a way to dump the repo configurations (from pulp 2.7) in a format that I can then import into the new server? I’m not looking to move the database or the packages, just the repo configs. I currently have 36 repos covering RHEL5,6,7,Epel, OEL6, RHV4, etc. and I’m just hoping to save some time and avoid the likely typo while re-creating them all.


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